Philosophy of breast surgery
What Graceonyoung thinks is
beautiful breast
beautiful breast
Beautiful breast should have elasticity and should also look voluptuous.
Not the shape of bowl flipped over while wearing under wear, it should have a natural curve.
Natural looking breast means the upper area of the breast is not too much bulged.
The nipple also should be located on the top area of the breast and the lower area of the breast should have tear drop shape bulge.
The upper & lower area of the breast’s balance should be 45:55.

the upper pole of breast is not too excessive or swollen
The lower pole of breast is teardrop shape with a convexity
The nipple is located on the most prominent part of the breast
The volume ratio of upper pole of breast to lower pole of breast is 44:55
Natural looking with live breast
Not fixed and no movement is no out goal. Pursuing breast which can look natural with slash is the Graceonyoung’s goal.
Imagine exercising wearing a tight top. With Graceonyoung, your imagination can become real.
Should be soft and make it feel there is no implant inside.
Graceonyoung is challenging 0% of capsular contracture.
The beauty of the shape is basic and even the smoothness will be used with the Graceonyoung’s special method.
The difficult procedure revision aug. mammoplasty and mamilliplasty are also held at Graceonyoung by giving you the smoothness after the procedure.
Free from the scar
If selecting the incision made beneath the breast, the scar was always the big issue. But with the Graceonyoung’s knowhow,
we have decreased this issue. Overcome the fear about the scar from the Graceonyoung.
<6months after the procedure>
6 months after the procedure by incision made beneath the breast area from Graceonyoung Plastic Surgery. Incision made on the beneath area

<6months after the procedure>
6 months after the procedure by incision made beneath the breast area from Graceonyoung Plastic Surgery. Incision made on the beneath area

Beautiful nipples & subareolar area
The nipples should face upside with no dent. The subareolar area which is covering
the nipple’s diameter should not be more than 4 cm

Beautiful nipples & subareolar area
The nipples should face upside with no dent. The subareolar area which is covering
the nipple’s diameter should not be more than 4 cm
The average height of the beautiful nipple 7~9mm,
diameter 1~1.5mm

The width of the normal subareolar
area –less the 4 cm
Minimizing the breast surgery’s side effect
(seeking for no bruise after the 1st day of surgery)
(seeking for no bruise after the 1st day of surgery)
You can now relax as the Graceonyoung Breast surgery already prepared alternatives such as full HD endoscope for hemostasis,
perfectly controlled asepsis operation room, and nurses (RN) who have plenty of experience will handle if the side effect occurs.
Specialty of Graceonyoung Breast Surgery
Plenty of experience & Academic activities
The most natural looking
breast surgery
No Capsular contracture,
No blood pocket, No pain
Only one in this world,
MAGIC PEACH Breast Surgery
Plenty of experience with
the anesthesiologist and the nurses
Everything about breast surgery,
from very difficult revision aug. mammoplasty
to reconstruction breast surgery
Breast Surgery using
the full HD endoscope
Specialty of Graceonyoung Breast Surgery
The most natural looking
breast surgery
No Capsular contracture,
No blood pocket, No pain
Only one in this world,
MAGIC PEACH Breast Surgery
Plenty of experience & Academic activities
Plenty of experience with
the anesthesiologist and the nurses
Everything about breast surgery,
from very difficult revision aug. mammoplasty
to reconstruction breast surgery
Breast Surgery using
the full HD endoscope
Plenty of academic activities & experience
[2007]First using the tear drop implant (usage: foreign)
(South Korea tear drop implant approval: 2012)
Accumulated the tear drop implant use with the plenty of experience
[2010.11.02] Education to the ALLERGAN employees
– Graceonyoung Plastic Surgery
Which is suitable implant to achieve full B or C cup breast? :
personal method and Movies review of Patients
Selection of breast implant & video clip review – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI

[2014.04.26] Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery fall conference – THE K HOTEL
Comparing the round implant and the tear drop shape breast implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI

[2011.04.02]The Korean Society of Plastic
And Reconstructive Surgery – COEX
Movie Follow Up of Breast Augmentation using
by textured implant
Observing the augmentation mammoplasty using the texture implant
[2011.05.19] Symposium class for Catholic University of Korea,
Plastic surgery – Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital
Overviews of Breast Augmentation using by Textured implant
Augmentation Mammoplasty using the texture implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
[2011.07.23]ALLERGAN Symposium – Imperial Palace Hotel
After care system to the patient after using the texture implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
ALLERGAN Symposium – Imperial Palace Hotel
After care system to the patient after using the texture implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
[2016.02]Providing the standard measurement for
augmentation mammoplasty & making the standard
chart to providing all around the world
[2016.04.13]Dubai Symposium
– Dubai Convention Center
Breast Augmentation with Bellagel
Augmentation mammoplasty using the BELLARGEL
[2007]First using the tear drop implant (usage: foreign)
(South Korea tear drop implant approval: 2012)
Accumulated the tear drop implant use with the plenty of experience
[2010.11.02] Education to the ALLERGAN employees
– Graceonyoung Plastic Surgery
Which is suitable implant to achieve full B or C cup breast? :
personal method and Movies review of Patients
Selection of breast implant & video clip review – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
[2011.04.02]The Korean Society of Plastic
And Reconstructive Surgery – COEX
Movie Follow Up of Breast Augmentation using
by textured implant
Observing the augmentation mammoplasty using the texture implant
[2011.05.19] Symposium class for Catholic University of Korea,
Plastic surgery – Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital
Overviews of Breast Augmentation using by Textured implant
Augmentation Mammoplasty using the texture implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
[2011.07.23]ALLERGAN Symposium – Imperial Palace Hotel
After care system to the patient after using the texture implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI

[2014.04.26] Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery fall conference – THE K HOTEL
Comparing the round implant and the tear drop shape breast implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
ALLERGAN Symposium – Imperial Palace Hotel
After care system to the patient after using the texture implant – Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI
[2016.02]Providing the standard measurement for
augmentation mammoplasty & making the standard
chart to providing all around the world
[2016.04.13]Dubai Symposium
– Dubai Convention Center
Breast Augmentation with Bellagel
Augmentation mammoplasty using the BELLARGEL
No Capsular contracture, No blood pocket, No pain
Only one in this world, MAGIC PEACH Breast surgery
The only Graceonyoung’s surgery brand which is using has filling rate round texture implant and nano texture implant
to make the natural looking “Y” cleavage and the tear drop breast shape at one time.
No drooping and also fits well to the person whose upper breast is drooped and needs to be made bigger.
The MAGIC PEACH breast surgery was invented
based on plenty of experience using the round implant.
In 2013, it was registered at the Korean Patent and Trademark Office.
Brand registration 41-0258330
Most natural looking tear drop breast surgery
The surgery name is made after using the tear drop looking implant and
the smooth nano-texture implant.
Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI has been using this tear drop implant before
the implant came in to Korea, 2007. (Usage: foreign)
With the longest experience, get your surgery from Graceonyoung.
Breast surgery using the full HD endoscope
The surgery name is made after using the tear drop looking implant and
the smooth nano-texture implant.
Dr. MOONSEOP, CHOI has been using this tear drop implant before
the implant came in to Korea, 2007. (Usage: foreign)
With the longest experience, get your surgery from Graceonyoung.
Everything about breast surgery,
from very difficult revision aug. mammoplasty
to reconstruction breast surgery
from very difficult revision aug. mammoplasty
to reconstruction breast surgery
At Graceonyoung, we are treating the processing the surgery
with the plenty of breast surgery experience.
From capsular capture, un-matching, and etc to revision aug. mammoplasty and
reconstruction breast surgery, we the Graceonyoung will do our best.
Rich in experience and long engagement team
of operating room nurses and anesthesiologists
of operating room nurses and anesthesiologists
Long term working with the operation team’s nurses and the anesthesiologist,
the Graceonyoung is greeting every patients for augmentation mammoplasty,
revision aug.mammoplasty, reduction mammoplasty, nipple surgery,
reconstruction breast surgery.
From safe anesthesia, clear surgery, comfortable & neat care to recovery,
Graceonyoung’s nurse team and anesthesia department will be with you.
Graceonyoung Breast Surgery’s safety system
Graceonyoung Breast Surgery after care system
Graceonyoung plastic surgery is processing the systematic after care system.

>> Special Pouring treatment
For the patients to take rest after the surgery an upper moving bed is prepared
and pour preventing description will be given for the patient to minimize the pouring.
After this, through medical LED, high-frequency, ultrasonic waves,
and etc will help you recovery comfortably.

>> Zero Scar Project
Scar caused with the constitution can also be cared. After a month to 3 months from the surgery,
scar relieve injection treatment will be provided. After 6 months from the surgery,
laser treatment will be provided with no charge (5times no charge)