Implant facial contour

What is implant facial contour?
Even you have a small face; you will look flat or old if you don’t have 3d effect. The implant facial contour is completing the face line from the forehead to the end of the chin by using small implant. As filling the less area, it will give 3d effect to the face and also giving young looking effect.
Implant facial contour
Forehead surgery
It will improve the line and the permanent volume on the forehead with the customized made implant.
If you have worries of giving maleness impression as the eyebrow bone is protruded which is due to the
turned off forehead, laid down forehead, and forehead flat and narrow.

Needs for the forehead surgery
If you want to improve short chin without facial contour surgery – improving the short chin with simple surgery
If you look as you don’t have a chin and the chin line is unclear – improving the face line
If you look like a protruded lip due to the short chin – improving the lip’s shape
If you look as you have a lot of fat on the chin sue to the short chin – effect of chin and neck separation
Perialar augmentation
Surgery to improve looking old feeling as the alar’s both side are turned off, severe nasolabial fold, and mouth popped out image. The improved areas by the Perialar augmentation is the center part of the face which is seen mostly. So with a small facial change, you can get big effect. We will find your 3d effect giving face and young looking face.

Needs for the forehead surgery
If you look old due to the nasolabial fold – looking young effect
If it looks like protruded mouth due to the alar area’s dent – effect of mouth inserted in
If you have worries of gum showing when laughing – effect of gum less showing
If you want to improve the nasolabial fold permanently – permanent than the filler or the fat injection
Forehead surgery
It will improve the line and the permanent volume on the forehead with the customized made implant. If you have worries of giving maleness impression as the eyebrow bone is protruded which is due to the turned off forehead, laid down forehead, and forehead flat and narrow.

Needs for the forehead surgery
If giving male impression as the eyebrow bone is protruded, this is due to the turned off forehead – completing the smooth forehead line
If giving bored impression due to the flat and laid down forehead – live impression
If looking stuffy due to the narrow forehead – improving the forehead to clear forehead
If you want to change the shape of the forehead but have worries about the scar – scar area not shown as the hair will cover it up
Forehead surgery
It will improve the line and the permanent volume on the forehead with the customized made implant. If you have worries of giving maleness impression as the eyebrow bone is protruded which is due to the turned off forehead, laid down forehead, and forehead flat and narrow.

Needs for the forehead surgery
If you want to improve short chin without facial contour surgery – improving the short chin with simple surgery
If you look as you don’t have a chin and the chin line is unclear – improving the face line
If you look like a protruded lip due to the short chin – improving the lip’s shape
If you look as you have a lot of fat on the chin sue to the short chin – effect of chin and neck separation
Perialar augmentation
Surgery to improve looking old feeling as the alar’s both side are turned off, severe nasolabial fold, and mouth popped out image. The improved areas by the Perialar augmentation is the center part of the face which is seen mostly. So with a small facial change, you can get big effect. We will find your 3d effect giving face and young looking face.

Needs for the forehead surgery
If you look old due to the nasolabial fold – looking young effect
If it looks like protruded mouth due to the alar area’s dent – effect of mouth inserted in
If you have worries of gum showing when laughing – effect of gum less showing
If you want to improve the nasolabial fold permanently – permanent than the filler or the fat injection
Forehead surgery
It will improve the line and the permanent volume on the forehead with the customized made implant. If you have worries of giving maleness impression as the eyebrow bone is protruded which is due to the turned off forehead, laid down forehead, and forehead flat and narrow.

Needs for the forehead surgery
If giving male impression as the eyebrow bone is protruded, this is due to the turned off forehead – completing the smooth forehead line
If giving bored impression due to the flat and laid down forehead – live impression
If looking stuffy due to the narrow forehead – improving the forehead to clear forehead
If you want to change the shape of the forehead but have worries about the scar – scar area not shown as the hair will cover it up
Points of Finding the line which will fit your face.
- After the procedure, the progress will be checked per period. For fast recovery, medical LED, high frequency & ultrasonic waves and various programs will be provided.