Philosophy of Graceonyoung’s Eye Surgery 2023-12-14T07:17:25+00:00

Philosophy of Graceonyoung’s Eye Surgery


Philosophy of Graceonyoung’s Eye Surgery

From the constant research and seeking for the perfect fact of the cause,
the shape of the eyes will be found and become more natural.

What is the meaning of beautiful eyes?

The beautiful eyes
what Graceonyoung thinks

Even you have double eyelid, it doesn’t mean you have beautiful eyes.
Beautiful eyes mean that you have big, clear eye shape and everything looks harmonious.
In Graceonyoung, these things can come true.

Graceonyoung’s effort to make the perfect result

01. Constantly researching Graceonyoung

The small eyelid has numerous things which we don’t know like the fundamental of space.
Graceonyoung is the member of the eye surgery professionals association, and constantly attending and researching to give the best result.

02.Where the lower eyelid lowering, dual twim, medial epicanthoplasty began

the lower eyelid lowering, dual twim, medial epicanthoplasty
We have started a new operation (the lower eyelid lowering, dual twim, medial epicanthoplasty
and etc) and We are leading the blepharoplasty field.

03.A place where you can trust and rely on ptosis, revision ptosis, and other high level procedures.


Graceonyoung Plastic Surgery is the place where you can trust as the Graceonyoung has numerous skills and experience on ptosis,
revision ptosis, and other difficult procedures.

04.Hospital which is introduced by doctors and staffs

Staffs and close doctors know Graceonyoung’s ability.
Graceonyoung Plastic Surgery is the place where other doctors and staffs can trust and introduce to their close people.


There may be side effects such as bleeding, infection depending on the person. The patient should pay a close attention about the surgery’s side effect, and the accurate information about the surgery for in case is negative result.