Mini-liposuction 2017-11-07T20:28:12+00:00



What is mini-liposuction?

If you have worries about skins popping out while wearing clothes or skin which doesn’t get lost even exercising
The worried area will be easily removed and will solved your worries.

Needs for the Grace’s mini-liposuction

  • If there are many fat on certain area
  • 단기간에 빠른 효과를 원하는 경우
  • 체중 감량 보다 아름다운 바디라인을 원하는 경우
  • 피부가 울퉁불퉁한 경우

Points of reduction malarplasty

  • Special pouring management

    Through medical LED, high-frequency, ultrasonic
    waves and etc, we will help you recover comfortably.

  • Special pouring management

    About body line, not only body shape but also
    the elasticity is important.
    Elasticity will be recovered with our fine selected
    procedure, endermologie, high-frequency, and etc.

There may be side effects such as bleeding, infection depending on the person. The patient should pay a close attention about the surgery’s side effect, and the accurate information about the surgery for in case is negative result.
